
Monday, November 4, 2013


Many people complain way too much.  Some complain about the stupidest things such as homework when there is nothing they can do.  Complaining at that point just wastes time and energy and making you take more time and effort than is required.  Some people do this constantly and some people are even worse.  For example sometimes people get a 90 or 95 on a test and then they start complaining or for lack of a better word bitching about it.  It in fact shows a lack of intelligence when this happens.  I agree that you should always strive to do your best and believe that you should always attempt that but I disagree to complaining if you do poorly due to your own stupid mistakes or lack of studying.  Many people would likely be very happy to pass that test you just got a 95 on and are complaining about.  There are some times when people really need to suck it up and move on.  We need to move away from the past and go towards the future.

On the contrary there are times when complaining or more specifically speaking up is the right thing to do.  For example if you are in a crowded area where it is hot and everybody is suffering you should tell the host that you would like the window opened to cool off the room.  If you are not harming anybody by speaking up (either by stressing them out, annoying them, or mentally/physically harming them) then it is very appropriate to speak up.  All in all we should really look on the bright side and voice our opinion when required but we should not waste our energy by constantly complaining.  We should simply use our experiences for the better and learn from our mistakes.  We should not run away from our problems but rush to fix them.


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